Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Ryan the Life Coach

 The journey to becoming a life coach hasn't been an easy one.  But the most important thing is that I'm here and I'm ready to take this on. 

Just a few months ago I wrote two posts and it all ended up here.   I was figuring out what I needed to do with my life and not wanting to sit on the sidelines anymore.  

I have always enjoyed working in counseling and therapy.  But the key word that is missing is that I didn't "love" it.  I always felt (and I still do) that you have to love what you do in order to truly be happy.  I enjoyed working with people.  I enjoyed helping them with their lives, but I didn't love it.  This sent me through a conundrum of what to do with my life.  I thought I was supposed to be helping people.  I enjoy helping people.  I actually LOVE helping people, although I didn't love being a therapist and counselor.  This led me to a conversation I had with a previous supervisor and the idea of me being a life therapist was a very viable career option.  Life coach.  Hmmm.  It was a very good idea.  I began doing research on this career.  The biggest qualification was life, and I definitely think I had the right qualifications for that.  That coupled with my background in higher education and counseling psychology, I knew that this was where I needed to be at this point in my life.  So I laid the groundwork to get my life coaching practice off the ground and I ended up here.  Ryan the Life Coach.  I get to work with people in a way that is so different than the work I do as a counselor/therapist.  This is where I am most happy.  

There's still a long ways to go from here.  I knew there was going to be work to be done.  This was not something that was going goin to be easy.  It was going to be a challenge.  But you know what?  I love doing what I do.  And that's why I am ready to take on that challenge.  

I hope you take the time and visit my website:   I go into detail the differences between counseling and life coaching.  

I hope that this blog can now be a reflection on that journey.  And that I can help and inspire those that need it.  

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