Friday, September 10, 2021

Following Your Passions

I don't think anyone should have just one passion.  Although I do believe if you decide to have more than one passion that it should be one where you can still put all your energy into the others while still keeping the quality in tact.  

I spent the past year working to create my Life Coaching Practice.  I worked on it until I realized that I wasn't working as hard on it anymore.  I had been working on it for so long that I was losing steam.  In order for me to keep that energy going, I needed to stop and take care of myself and feed my other passion.

This led me back to theater.    

While starting my Life Coaching practice, I was also in the middle of starting a theater company with a few friends.  One of my roles in this company was to work in theater education, providing acting to children from underserved populations.  I spent an entire month at an elementary school teaching theater while also acting as director the kids' first ever theatrical production.  I worked every day for one month with these kids.  It was tiring.  It was stressful.  But I was happy.  After over a year of theater being taken away (thank you, COVID), I needed to feed my soul.  And theater is what my soul was hungry for.   

It's also exciting because after over a year I have finally been cast in a show - a play to be exact.  I haven't been in a play since my sophomore year of high school!  

Which passion should you follow?  

You should follow the passion that makes you happy.  

Yes, it's that simple.  

You do the thing that brings you joy in your life.  It's also very normal for someone to need to take a break from it.  Being passionate about something doesn't really mean you have to love it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Think of it like dinner... sometimes you just don't want to eat the same thing every night.  You switch it up and after a while your palate will be cleansed and then you'll be hungry for more.  

Passions are what drive us and keep us motivated.  They feed our souls.  They are what define us and shape us.  They bring balance into our lives.  

Don't forget your passions.  


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